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Publications - 2008

Displaying Publications 1 thru 50 (2131; Publications found in database)
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. Pediatric ED seeks to touch all the bases: advanced courses prepare staff. ED Management 2008; 20 (7):77-79.
A-Ayoubi A., Tarcsafalvi A., Zheng H., Sakati W., Eblen S. T.. ERK Activation and Nuclear Signaling Induced by the Loss of Cell/ Matrix Adhesion Stimulates Anchorage-Independent Growth of Ovarian Cancer Cells. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2008; 105 (3):875-884.
Aaronson I.. The Incidence of Disorders of Sexual Differentiation and Chromosomal Abnormalities of Cryptorchidism and Hypospadias Stratified by Meatal Location COMMENT. Journal of Urology 2008; 180 (6):2652-2652.
Abboud M. R., Yim E., Adams R. J.. The Progression and Development of Silent Infarcts in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia Is Prevented by Chronic Transfusions and Is Unrelated to Level of Hemolysis. Blood 2008; 112 (11):264-265.
Abdallah Rany. Novel implications of the Kallikrein-Kinin System in diabetic vasculopathy: A proposed role of prekallikrein in the causation and development of vascular pathology in diabetes. MUSC Dissertation 2008; ():165 .
Abell Jill E., Egan Brent M., Wilson Peter W. F., Lipsitz Stuart, Woolson Robert F., Lackland Daniel T.. Differences in cardiovascular disease mortality associated with body mass between black and white persons. American Journal of Public Health 2008; 98 (1):63-6.
Abercrombie S., Callaway P., Carek P., Carr S., Dickson G., Gravel Jr. J., Hall K., Jones S., Kozakowski S., Palmer E., Robinson M., Wieschhaus M.. A process for change: a methodology for academic family medicine. Ann Fam Med 2008; 6 (6):569-70. doi: 10.1370/afm.930
Abernethy A., Burns C., Wheeler J., Currow D.. Defining distinct caregiver subpopulations by intensity of end-of-life care provided. Palliative Medicine 2008; ():.
Abraham W. T., Linde C., Gold M. R., Daubert C.. REsynchronization reVErses Remodeling in Systolic left ventricular dysfunction (REVERSE). Journal of cardiac failure 2008; 14 (9):798-798.
Abro J. A., Parker A. T., Gebregziabher M., Thilo C., Costello P., Schoepf U. J.. Prognostic Value of Stenosis Severity and Atherosclerotic Plaque Burden at Coronary CT Angiography for Major Adverse Cardiac Events (MACE) - A Population Based Outcome Study. Circulation 2008; 118 (18):S994-S994.
Abro J. A., Schoepf U. J., Huda W.. Effective Patient Radiation Doses and Skin Organ Doses at Coronary CT Angiography and Invasive Coronary Angiography. Circulation 2008; 118 (18):S598-S599.
Achuthan S., Asbury T., Hu J., Bertram R., Cross T. A., Quine J. R.. Continuity conditions and torsion angles from ssNMR orientational restraints. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 2008; 191 (1):24-30.
Adams D. B.. Treatment decision making in pancreatic adenocarcinoma - Invited critique. Archives of Surgery 2008; 143 (3):281-281.
Adams E. K., Gavin N. I., Ayadi M. F., Colley-Gilbert B., Raskind-Hood C.. The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and prepregnancy coverage of teenage mothers. Medical Care 2008; 46 (10):1071-8.
Adams R. J., Waller J., Goggans S., Lou M., Hodo D.. Stroke prediction using administrative data: Improving efficiency for targeted intervention. Stroke 2008; 39 (2):630-630.
Adeagbo B. A., Clark C., Collins K. A.. Homicides committed by youth assailants - A retrospective study. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 2008; 29 (3):219-223.
Adeagbo B. A., Clark C., Collins K. A.. Homicides committed by youth assailants: a retrospective study. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 2008; 29 (3):219-23.
Aerts A. M., Zabrocki P., Francois Ieja, Carmona-Gutierrez D., Govaerta G., Mao C., Smets B., Madeo F., Winderickx J., Cammue B. P. A., Thevissen K.. Ydc1p ceramidase triggers organelle fragmentation, apoptosis and accelerated ageing in yeast. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2008; 65 (12):1933-1942.
Agrawal A., Castell D. O.. Is reflux dyspareunia a real entity?. Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2008; 5 (4):192-193.
Agrawal A., Castell D. O.. Clinical importance of impedance measurements. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 2008; 42 (5):579-583.
Agrawal A., Hila A., Tutuian R., Castell D. O.. Manometry and impedance characteristics of achalasia. Facts and myths. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 2008; 42 (3):266-270.
Agrawal V., Doelken P., Sahn S. A.. Pleural fluid analysis in chylous pleural effusion. Chest 2008; 133 (6):1436-1441.
Agrawal Vishal, Sahn Steven A.. Lipid pleural effusions. American Journal of the Medical Sciences 2008; 335 (1):16-20.
Ahmed Q. A.. Effects of common medications used for sleep disorders. Critical Care Clinics 2008; 24 (3):493-+.
Ahmed Qanta A.. Metabolic complications of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. American Journal of the Medical Sciences 2008; 335 (1):60-4.
Ajayi F., Wimalasena R., Robinson C., Johnson D., Brost B., Shridhar V., Kniss D., Chien J.. Serum Htra1 Is a Novel Marker for Early-Onset Severe Preeclampsia. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2008; 199 (6):816.
Al-Ayoubi A., Tarcsafalvi A., Zheng H., Sakati W., Eblen S. T.. ERK activation and nuclear signaling induced by the loss of cell/matrix adhesion stimulates anchorage-independent growth of ovarian cancer cells. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2008; 105 (3):875-84.
Alanis M. C., Mitra A., Koklanaris N.. Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging and antepartum myomectomy of a giant pedunculated leiomyoma. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2008; 111 (2):577-579.
Alanis M. C., Mitra A., Koklanaris N.. Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging and antepartum myomectomy of a giant pedunculated leiomyoma. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2008; 111 (2 Part 2):577-9.
Alanis M. C., Robinson C. J., Hulsey T. C., Ebeling M., Johnson D. D.. Early-onset severe preeclampsia: induction of labor vs elective cesarean delivery and neonatal outcomes. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2008; 199 (3):262.e1-6.
Alanis M. C., Robinson C. J., Johnson D. D.. Placental growth factor levels are similar between women with and without diabetes in the second trimester. Reproductive Sciences 2008; 15 (2):213A-213A.
Alanis M., Albergotti W., Robinson C., Hulsey T., Johnson D.. Induction of Labor Versus Elective Cesarean Delivery for the Patient with Early Onset Severe Preeclampsia: A Comparison of Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes. Hypertension in Pregnancy 2008; 27 (4):467-467.
Alberg A. J.. Cigarette smoking: health effects and control strategies. Drugs Today (Barc). 2008; 44 (12):895-904..
Alberg A. J., Nonemaker J.. Who is at high risk for lung cancer? Population-level and individual-level perspectives. Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2008; 29 (3):223-32.
Albuquerque F. C., Levy E. I., Turk A. S., Niemann D. B., Aagaard-Kienitz B., Pride G. L., Purdy P. D., Welch B. C., Woo H. H., Rasmussen P. A., Hopkins L. N., Masaryk T. J., McDougall C. G., Fiorella D. J.. Angiographic patterns of Wingspan in-stent restenosis. Neurosurgery 2008; 63 (1):23-27.
Allen R. J. Jr., LoTempio M. M., Craigie J. E., Allen R. J. Sr.. Transplantation in identical twins: another option for breast reconstruction. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2008; 122 (4):1019-23.
Alrefae T., Smirnova I. V., Cook L. T., Bilgen M.. A model-based time-reversal of left ventricular motion improves cardiac motion analysis using tagged MRI data. Biomedical Engineering Online 2008; 7 ():.
Althoff R. R., Rettew D. C., Gault L. M., Horne M. S., Schlesinger A. B., Upadhyaya H. P.. Here and there. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2008; 47 (2):117-118.
Althoff Robert R., Rettew David C., Gault Laura M., Horner Michelle S., Schlesinger Abigail B., Upadhyaya Himanshu P.. Here and there. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2008; 47 (2):117-118.
Alvarez-Vasquez F., Hannun Y. A., Voit E. O.. Dynamics of positional enrichment: Theoretical development and application to carbon labeling in Zymomonas mobilis. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2008; 40 (1):157-174.
Alvarez-Vasquez Fernando, Hannun Yusuf A., Voit Eberhard O.. Dynamics of positional enrichment: Theoretical development and application to carbon labeling in Zymomonas mobilis. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2008; 40 (1):157-174.
Amador C., Mathews A. M., Montoya M. D., Laughridge M. E., Everman D. B., Holden K. R.. Expanding the neurologic phenotype of oculodentodigital dysplasia in a 4-generation Hispanic family. Journal of Child Neurology 2008; 23 (8):901-905.
Amella E. J.. Assessing nutrition in older adults. American Journal of Nursing 2008; 108 (2):55-55.
Amella E., Laditka S., Stockdell R.. Spreading the Word: Disseminating a Mealtime Intervention through Healthcare Workers for Caregivers of People with Dementia. Gerontologist 2008; 48 ():762-762.
Amella Elaine J.. Mealtime difficulties. In: Capezuti Elizabeth, Zwicker DeAnne, Mezey Mathy, Fulmer Terry T. , Gray-Miceli Deanna, editors. Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice (3rd ed.). New York: Springer, 2008. p. 337-352.
Amella Elaine J., Grant Alicia P., Mulloy Cathy. Eating behavior in persons with moderate to late-stage dementia: Assessment and interventions. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 2008; 13 (6):360-367.
Amria S., Cameron C., Stuart R., Haque A.. Defects in HLA class II antigen presentation in B-cell lymphomas. Leukemia and Lymphoma 2008; 49 (2):353-355.
Amria S., Hajiaghamohseni L. M., Harbeson C., Zhao D., Goldstein O., Blum J. S., Haque A.. HLA-DM negatively regulates HLA-DR4-restricted collagen pathogenic peptide presentation and T cell recognition. European Journal of Immunology 2008; 38 (7):1961-1970.
Amstadter A.. Emotion regulation and anxiety disorders. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2008; 22 (2):211-221.
Amstadter A. B., McCauley J. L., Ruggiero K. J., Resnick H. S., Kilpatrick D. G.. Service Utilization and Help Seeking in a National Sample of Female Rape Victims. Psychiatric Services 2008; 59 (12):1450-1457.
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