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Bade B. C., Silvestri G. A.. Setting the Stage for Success in Lung Cancer: The Importance of Remembering Your (Guide)Lines. Chest 2019; 155 (3):456-457. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2018.11.019
Badell M. L., Sheth A. N., Momplaisir F., Rahangdale L., Potter J., Woodham P. C., Lazenby G. B., Short W. R., Gillespie S. E., Baldreldin N., Miller E. S., Alleyne G., Duthely L. M., Allen S. M., Levison J., Chakraborty R.. A multicenter analysis of elvitegravir use during pregnancy on HIV viral suppression and perinatal outcomes. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2019; 6 (4):. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofz129
Bader Jackie E., Enos Reilly T., Velazquez Kandy T., Carson Meredith S., Sougiannis Alex T., McGuinness Owen P., Robinson Cory M., Murphy E. Angela. Repeated clodronate-liposome treatment results in neutrophilia and is not effective in limiting obesity-linked metabolic impairments. Am. J. Physiol. 2019; 316 (3):e358-e372. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00438.2018
Badran B. W., Ly M., DeVries W. H., Glusman C. E., Willis A., Pridmore S., George M. S.. Are EMG and visual observation comparable in determining resting motor threshold? A reexamination after twenty years. Brain Stimulation 2019; 12 (2):364-366. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2018.11.003
Badran B. W., Yu A. B., Adair D., Mappin G., DeVries W. H., Jenkins D. D., George M. S., Bikson M.. Laboratory Administration of Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation (taVNS): Technique, Targeting, and Considerations. Journal of Visualized Experiments : JoVE 2019; (143):Article No. e58984. doi: 10.3791/58984
Baer D. R., Lawson A. B.. Evaluation of Bayesian multiple stage estimation under spatial CAR model variants. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 2019; 89 (1):98-144. doi: 10.1080/00949655.2018.1536755
Baer D. R., Lawson A. B.. Evaluation of Bayesian multiple stage estimation under spatial CAR model variants. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 2019; 89 (1):98-144. doi: 10.1080/00949655.2018.1536755
Bai A., Liu X., Bielawski J., Hannun Y. A.. Bioactive sphingolipid profile in a xenograft mouse model of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. PLoS One 2019; 14 (4):. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215770
Bai B., Yang W., Fu Y., Foon H. L., Tay W. T., Yang K., Luo C., Gunaratne J., Lee P., Zile M. R., Xu A., Chin C. W. L., Lam C. S. P., Han W., Wang Y.. Seipin Knockout Mice Develop Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction. JACC: Basic to Translational Science 2019; 4 (8):924-937. doi: 10.1016/j.jacbts.2019.07.008
Bak S. H., Park H. Y., Nam J. H., Lee H. Y., Lee J. H., Sohn I., Chung M. P.. Predicting clinical outcome with phenotypic clusters using quantitative CT fibrosis and emphysema features in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. PLoS One 2019; 14 (4):. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215303
Baker Frost D., Wolf B., Peoples C., Fike J., Silver K., Laffoon M., Medsger T. A. Jr., Feghali-Bostwick C.. Estradiol levels are elevated in older men with diffuse cutaneous SSc and are associated with decreased survival. Arthritis Research and Therapy 2019; 21 (1):. doi: 10.1186/s13075-019-1870-6
Balakrishnan K., Sidell D. R., Bauman N. M., Bellia-Munzon G. F., Boesch R. P., Bromwich M., Cofer S. A., Daines C., de Alarcon A., Garabedian N., Hart C. K., Ida J. B., Leboulanger N., Manning P. B., Mehta D. K., Monnier P., Myer C. M. 3rd, Prager J. D., Preciado D., Propst E. J., Rahbar R., Russell J., Rutter M. J., Thierry B., Thompson D. M., Torre M., Varela P., Vijayasekaran S., White D. R., Wineland A. M., Wood R. E., Wootten C. T., Zur K., Cotton R. T.. Outcome measures for pediatric laryngotracheal reconstruction: International consensus statement. Laryngoscope 2019; 129 (1):244-255. doi: 10.1002/lary.27445
Balakrishnan K., Sidell D. R., Bauman N. M., Bellia-Munzon G. F., Boesch R. P., Bromwich M., Cofer S. A., Daines C., de Alarcon A., Garabedian N., Hart C. K., Ida J. B., Leboulanger N., Manning P. B., Mehta D. K., Monnier P., Myer C. M. III, Prager J. D., Preciado D., Propst E. J., Rahbar R., Russell J., Rutter M. J., Thierry B., Thompson D. M., Torre M., Varela P., Vijayasekaran S., White D. R., Wineland A. M., Wood R. E., Wootten C. T., Zur K., Cotton R. T.. Outcome measures for pediatric laryngotracheal reconstruction: International consensus statement. Laryngoscope 2019; 129 (1):244-255. doi: 10.1002/lary.27445
Balasubramanian Sundar. Yoga Breathing: The surprising secrets to its benefits: Here's the hidden component that promotes the healing effects of this ancient practice. Bottom Line Health 2019; 33 (9):14-15.
Balasubramanian Sundar. Yoga Breathing: The surprising secrets to its benefits: Here's the hidden component that promotes the healing effects of this ancient practice. Bottom Line Health 2019; 33 (9):14-15.
Baliga P., Sade R. M.. New Liver Allocation Policy: Flawed Moral and Empirical Foundations. The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 2019; 47 (2):320-322. doi: 10.1177/1073110519857288
Ball J. W., Maljak K. A., Bice M. R., Valley J., Parry T.. Exploring the Relationship Between Self-Determination Theory and Physical Education Teachers Meeting Recommended Weekly Physical Education Minutes. Physical Educator-US 2019; 76 (5):1306-1318. doi: 10.18666/tpe-2019-v76-i5-9100
Balliet W., Holland-Carter L., Maurer S. N., Salas M. P., Anderson C. S., Ranasinghe O. N., Waterman A. D.. Is Narrative Storytelling Ethical to Use to Educate the Public about Living Donation? Transplant Professionals Weigh In. American Journal of Transplantation 2019; 19 ():933-933.
Balliet W., Kazley A. S., Johnson E., Holland-Carter L., Maurer S., Correll J., Marlow N., Chavin K., Baliga P.. The non-directed living kidney donor: Why donate to strangers?. J Ren Care 2019; 45 (2):102-110. doi: 10.1111/jorc.12267
Balliet Wendy, Kazley Abby S., Johnson Emily, Holland?Carter Lauren, Maurer Stacey, Correll Jennifer, Marlow Nicole, Chavin Kenneth, Baliga Prabhakar. The non?directed living kidney donor: Why donate to strangers?. Journal of Renal Care 2019; 45 (2):102-110. doi: 10.1111/jorc.12267
Balmforth C., Simpson J., Shen L., Jhund P. S., Lefkowitz M., Rizkala A. R., Rouleau J. L., Shi V., Solomon S. D., Swedberg K., Zile M. R., Packer M., McMurray J. J. V.. Outcomes and Effect of Treatment According to Etiology in HFrEF: An Analysis of PARADIGM-HF. JACC Heart Fail 2019; 7 (6):457-465. doi: 10.1016/j.jchf.2019.02.015
Bandino J. P., Elston D. M.. Acute-onset alopecia. Cutis 2019; 103 (4):E24-E26.
Banerjee C., Chimowitz M. I.. Management of Intracranial Stenosis. In: Spiotta A. M., Turner R. D., Chaudry M. I. , Turk A. S., editors. Management of Cerebrovascular Disorders: A Comprehensive, Multidisciplinary Approach. Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019. p. 433-443. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-99016-3_28
Banik N., Capone M., Chandran R., Matzelle D., Cox A., Vertigel A., Haque A.. A novel nanoparticle drug delivery system to promote functional recovery in spinal cord injury in rats. Journal of Neurochemistry 2019; 150 ():169-169.
Bao C., Lu Y., Chen J., Chen D., Lou W., Ding B., Xu L., Fan W.. Exploring specific prognostic biomarkers in triple-negative breast cancer. Cell Death and Disease 2019; 10 (11):. doi: 10.1038/s41419-019-2043-x
Barker J. M., Bryant K. G., Chandler L. J.. Inactivation of ventral hippocampus projections promotes sensitivity to changes in contingency. Learn Mem 2019; 26 (1):1-8. doi: 10.1101/lm.048025.118
Barker J. M., Bryant K. G., Judson Chandler L.. Inactivation of ventral hippocampus projections promotes sensitivity to changes in contingency. Learning and Memory 2019; 26 (1):1-8. doi: 10.1101/lm.048025.118
Barker Jacqueline M., Taylor Jane R.. Sex differences in incentive motivation and the relationship to the development and maintenance of alcohol use disorders. Physiol. Behav. 2019; 203 ():91-99. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.09.027
Barrett E. L., Adams Z. W., Kelly E. V., Peach N., Hopkins R., Milne B., Back S. E., Mills K. L.. Service provider perspectives on treating adolescents with co-occurring PTSD and substance use: challenges and rewards. Advances in Dual Diagnosis 2019; 12 (4):173-183. doi: 10.1108/ADD-07-2019-0005
Barrientos-Gutierrez Inti, Lozano Paula, Arillo-Santillan Edna, Morello Paola, Mejia Raul, Thrasher James F.. 'Technophilia': A new risk factor for electronic cigarette use among early adolescents?. Addictive Behaviors 2019; 91 ():193-200. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.09.004
Barrows J. K., Long D. T.. Cell-free transcription in Xenopus egg extract. The Journal of biological chemistry 2019; 294 (51):19645-19654. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.011350
Barrows J. K., Long D. T.. Cell-free transcription in Xenopus egg extract. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2019; 294 (51):19645-19654. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.011350
Bartee M. Y., Dryja P. C., Bartee E.. Chimeric tumor modeling reveals role of partial PDL1 expression in resistance to virally induced immunotherapy. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2019; 7 (1):Article No. 11. doi: 10.1186/s40425-018-0496-6
Basco W., Zhang J., Mauldin P., Ball S., Simpson K.. HIGH RISK OPIOID PRESCRIBING AND DISPENSING TO CHILDREN 0-18 YEARS OLD. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2019; 67 (2):420-420. doi: 10.1136/jim-2018-000974.169
Basilakos A., Stark B. C., Johnson L., Rorden C., Yourganov G., Bonilha L., Fridriksson J.. Leukoaraiosis Is Associated With a Decline in Language Abilities in Chronic Aphasia. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2019; 33 (9):718-729. doi: 10.1177/1545968319862561
Basilakos Alexandra, Stark Brielle C., Johnson Lisa, Rorden Chris, Yourganov Grigori, Bonilha Leonardo, Fridriksson Julius. Leukoaraiosis Is Associated With a Decline in Language Abilities in Chronic Aphasia. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2019; 33 (9):718-729. doi: 10.1177/1545968319862561
Basree M. M., Shinde N., Koivisto C., Cuitino M., Kladney R., Zhang J. Y., Stephens J., Palettas M., Zhang A., Kim H. K., Acero-Bedoya S., Trimboli A., Stover D. G., Ludwig T., Ganju R., Weng D., Shields P., Freudenheim J., Leone G. W., Sizemore G. M., Majumder S., Ramaswamy B.. Abrupt involution induces inflammation, estrogenic signaling, and hyperplasia linking lack of breastfeeding with increased risk of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research 2019; 21 ():. doi: 10.1186/s13058-019-1163-7
Bastian D., Wu Y., Betts B. C., Yu X. Z.. The IL-12 Cytokine and Receptor Family in Graft-vs.-Host Disease. Frontiers in immunology 2019; 10 ():988. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00988
Basu A., Bebu I., Jenkins A. J., Stoner J. A., Zhang Y., Klein R. L., Lopes-Virella M. F., Garvey W. T., Budoff M. J., Alaupovic P., Lyons T. J.. Serum apolipoproteins and apolipoprotein-defined lipoprotein subclasses: A hypothesis-generating prospective study of cardiovascular events in T1D. Journal of Lipid Research 2019; 60 (8):1432-1439. doi: 10.1194/jlr.P090647
Batchelor-Murphy Melissa, Amella Elaine J.. Eating and Feeding Issues in Older Adults with Dementia: Part II: Interventions. Try This: Best Practices in Nursing Care to Older Adults with Dementia 2019; (D11.2):1-2.
Baumann S., Kryeziu P., Tesche C., Shuler D. C., Becher T., Rutsch M., Behnes M., Stach K., Jacobs B. E., Renker M., Henzler T., Haubenreisser H., Schoenberg S. O., Weiss C., Borggrefe M., Schwemmer C., Schoepf U. J., Akin I., Lossnitzer D.. Association of Serum Lipid Profile With Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography-derived Morphologic and Functional Quantitative Plaque Markers. J Thorac Imaging 2019; 34 (1):26-32. doi: 10.1097/rti.0000000000000356
Baumann S., Kryeziu P., Tesche C., Shuler D. C., Becher T., Rutsch M., Behnes M., Stach K., Jacobs B. E., Renker M., Henzler T., Haubenreisser H., Schoenberg S. O., Weiss C., Borggrefe M., Schwemmer C., Schoepf U. J., Akin I., Lossnitzer D.. Association of serum lipid profile with coronary computed tomographic angiography-derived morphologic and functional quantitative plaque markers. Journal of Thoracic Imaging 2019; 34 (1):26-32. doi: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000356
Baumann S., Renker M., Schoepf U. J., De Cecco C. N., Coenen A., De Geer J., Kruk M., Kim Y. H., Albrecht M. H., Duguay T. M., Jacobs B. E., Bayer R. R., Litwin S. E., Weiss C., Akin I., Borggrefe M., Yang D. H., Kepka C., Persson A., Nieman K., Tesche C.. Gender differences in the diagnostic performance of machine learning coronary CT angiography-derived fractional flow reserve -results from the MACHINE registry. European Journal of Radiology 2019; 119 ():. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2019.108657
Beard C. J., Gathings R. M., Bandino J. P.. Exophytic Mass Arising Within Hidradenitis Suppurativa: Answer. The American Journal of dermatopathology 2019; 41 (3):235-236. doi: 10.1097/DAD.0000000000001064
Beck T. C., Hapstack M. A., Beck K. R., Dix T. A.. Therapeutic Potential of Kappa Opioid Agonists. Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 2019; 12 (2):. doi: 10.3390/ph12020095
Beck T. C., Hapstack M. A., Ghatnekar G. S., Dix T. A.. Diuretic Activity of a Novel Peripherally-Restricted Orally-Active Kappa Opioid Receptor Agonist. Medical Sciences 2019; 7 ():Article No. 93. doi: 10.3390/medsci7090093
Beck Tyler C., Reichel Carmela M., Helke Kristi L., Bhadsavle Sanat S., Dix Thomas A.. Non-addictive orally-active kappa opioid agonists for the treatment of peripheral pain in rats. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 2019; 856 ():172396. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2019.05.025
Beckmann N. M., West O. C., Nunez D. Jr., Kirsch C. F. E., Aulino J. M., Broder J. S., Cassidy R. C., Czuczman G. J., Demertzis J. L., Johnson M. M., Motamedi K., Reitman C., Shah L. M., Than K., Ying-Kou Yung E., Beaman F. D., Kransdorf M. J., Bykowski J., Expert Panel on Neurological Imaging &, Musculoskeletal Imaging,. ACR Appropriateness Criteria ® Suspected Spine Trauma. Journal of the American College of Radiology 2019; 16 (5):S264-S285. doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2019.02.002
Beddhu S., Shen J., Cheung A. K., Kimmel P. L., Chertow G. M., Wei G., Boucher R. E., Chonchol M., Arman F., Campbell R. C., Contreras G., Dwyer J. P., Freedman B. I., Ix J. H., Kirchner K., Papademetriou V., Pisoni R., Rocco M. V., Whelton P. K., Greene T.. Implications of Early Decline in eGFR due to Intensive BP Control for Cardiovascular Outcomes in SPRINT. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN 2019; 30 (8):1523-1533. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2018121261
Beidel D. C., Frueh B. C., Neer S. M., Bowers C. A., Trachik B., Uhde T. W., Grubaugh A.. Trauma management therapy with virtual-reality augmented exposure therapy for combat-related PTSD: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2019; 61 ():64-74. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2017.08.005
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