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Atkinson K. E., Abner N. C., Shockley L. C., King A. S., Hardee T. B., Head T. C., Breland H. L.. Arthritis knowledge: a survey of health professional students. J Allied Health 2010; 38 (4):e119-24.
Atz A. M., Travison T. G., Williams I. A., Pearson G. D., Laussen P. C., Mahle W. T., Cook A. L., Kirsh J. A., Sklansky M., Khaikin S., Goldberg C., Frommelt M., Krawczeski C., Puchalski M. D., Jacobs J. P., Baffa J. M., Rychik J., Ohye R. G.. Prenatal diagnosis and risk factors for preoperative death in neonates with single right ventricle and systemic outflow obstruction: Screening data from the Pediatric Heart Network Single Ventricle Reconstruction Trial. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2010; 140 (6):1245-1250. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2010.05.022
Atz A. M., Travison T. G., Williams I. A., Pearson G. D., Laussen P. C., Mahle W. T., Cook A. L., Kirsh J. A., Sklansky M., Khaikin S., Goldberg C., Frommelt M., Krawczeski C., Puchalski M. D., Jacobs J. P., Baffa J. M., Rychik J., Ohye R. G., Pediatric Heart Network Investigators. Prenatal diagnosis and risk factors for preoperative death in neonates with single right ventricle and systemic outflow obstruction: screening data from the Pediatric Heart Network Single Ventricle Reconstruction Trial(*). Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2010; 140 (6):1245-50.
Auricchio A., Brugada J., Ellenbogen K. A., Gold M. R., Leyva F.. Assessment of a novel device-based diagnostic algorithm to monitor patient status in moderate-to-severe heart failure: rationale and design of the CLEPSYDRA study. European Journal of Heart Failure 2010; 12 (12):1363-1371.
Avery D. H., George M. S., Lisanby S. H., McDonald W. M., Durkalski V., Pavlicova M., Anderson B., Nahas Z., Bulow P., Zarkowski P., Holzheimer P., Schwartz T., Sackeim H.. Daily Left Prefrontal TMS for Major Depression: A Sham-Controlled Multi-Site Randomized Trial (NIH Optimization of TMS for Depression Study, OPT-TMS). Biological Psychiatry 2010; 67 (9):57S-57S.
Axon N., Garrell R., Pfahl K., Fisher J. E., Zhao Y., Egan B., Weder A.. Original paper: attitudes and practices of resident physicians regarding hypertension in the inpatient setting. Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2010; 12 (9):698-705. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-7176.2010.00309.x
Axon R. N., Bradford W. D., Egan B. M.. The role of individual time preferences in health behaviors among hypertensive adults: a pilot study. Journal of the American Society of Hypertension 2010; 3 (1):35-41.
Axon R. N., Cawley P. J.. Enoxaparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism. Hosp Pract (Minneap) 2010; 38 (1):112-4.
Axon R. N., Garrell R., Pfahl K., Fisher J. E., Zhao Y. M., Egan B., Weder A.. Attitudes and Practices of Resident Physicians Regarding Hypertension in the Inpatient Setting. Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2010; 12 (9):698-705.
Axon R. N., Garrell R., Pfahl K., Fisher J. E., Zhao Y., Egan B., Weder A.. Attitudes and practices of resident physicians regarding hypertension in the inpatient setting. Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2010; 12 (9):698-705. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-7176.2010.00309.x
Axon R. N., Nietert P. J., Egan B. M.. Antihypertensive Medication Prescribing Patterns in a University Teaching Hospital. Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2010; 12 (4):246-252.
Axon R. N., Zhao Y. M., Egede L. E.. Association of Depressive Symptoms With All-Cause and Ischemic Heart Disease Mortality in Adults With Self-Reported Hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension 2010; 23 (1):30-37.
Axon R. N., Zhao Y., Egede L. E.. Association of depressive symptoms with all-cause and ischemic heart disease mortality in adults with self-reported hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension 2010; 23 (1):30-7.
Babcock M. A., Kostova F. V., Moxley R. T. 3rd, Chamberlain J. S., Maria B. L.. Muscular dystrophy: new opportunities for diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Child Neurology 2010; 25 (9):1080-97. doi: 10.1177/0883073810371000
Back S. E.. Toward an Improved Model of Treating Co-Occurring PTSD and Substance Use Disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 167 (1):11-13.
Back S. E., Hartwell K., DeSantis S. M., Saladin M., McRae-Clark A. L., Price K. L., Maria Mmms, Baker N. L., Spratt E., Kreek M. J., Braly K. T.. Reactivity to laboratory stress provocation predicts relapse to cocaine. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2010; 106 (1):21-27.
Back S. E., Hartwell K., DeSantis S. M., Saladin M., McRae-Clark A. L., Price K. L., Moran-Santa Maria M. M., Baker N. L., Spratt E., Kreek M. J., Brady K. T.. Reactivity to laboratory stress provocation predicts relapse to cocaine. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2010; 106 (1):21-7.
Back S. E., Payne R. L., Simpson A. N., Brady K. T.. Gender and prescription opioids: Findings from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Addictive Behaviors 2010; 35 (11):1001-1007.
Back Sudie E., Hartwell Karen, De Santis Stacia M., Saladin Michael, McRae-Clark Aimee L., Price Kimber L., Moran-Santa Maria Megan M., Baker Nathaniel L., Spratt Eve, Kreek Mary Jeanne, Brady Kathleen T.. Reactivity to laboratory stress provocation predicts relapse to cocaine. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2010; 106 (1):21-27.
Bacro T. R. H., Gebregziabher M., Fitzharris T. P.. Evaluation of a Lecture Recording System in a Medical Curriculum. Anatomical Sciences Education 2010; 3 (6):300-308.
Bacro T. R., Gebregziabher M., Fitzharris T. P., Bacro Thierry R. H., Gebregziabher Mulugeta, Fitzharris Timothy P.. Evaluation of a lecture recording system in a medical curriculum. Anatomical Sciences Education 2010; 3 (6):300-8.
Badanich K. A., Doremus-Fitzwater T. L., Mulholland P. J., Chandler L. J., Delpire E., Becker H. C.. Behavioral Characterization and Ethanol Sensitivity in Nr2b NMDA Receptor Knockout Mouse. Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 2010; 34 (6):128A-128A.
Badanich K. A., Woodward J. J.. Effects of Ethanol on Neurons in the Orbitofrontal Cortex. Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 2010; 34 (6):138A-138A.
Bailey A. P., Young J. L., Nigrini E., Modesitt S. C.. Anomalous vasculature in Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome. Fertility and Sterility 2010; 94 (1):.
Bailine S., Fink M., Knapp R., Petrides G., Husain M. M., Rasmussen K., Sampson S., Mueller M., McClintock S. M., Tobias K. G., Kellner C. H.. Electroconvulsive therapy is equally effective in unipolar and bipolar depression. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2010; 121 (6):431-436.
Bains S., Egede L., Osborn C.. Health Literacy, Demographic Proxies, and Diabetes Self-Care. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2010; 25 ():292-292.
Bains S., Osborn C. Y., Egede L. E.. Demographic Proxies Predict Diabetes Self-Care Behaviors above and Beyond Health Literacy. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2010; 58 (2):386-386.
Bains S., Osborn C. Y., Egede L. E.. Association of Health Literacy and Diabetes Self-Care Utilizing the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2010; 58 (2):481-481.
Baird T. D., DeLorenzo M. E.. Descriptive and mechanistic toxicity of conazole fungicides using the model test alga Dunaliella tertiolecta (Chlorophyceae). Environmental Toxicology 2010; 25 (3):213-20.
Bairwa N. K., Zzaman S., Mohanty B. K., Bastia D.. Replication Fork Arrest and rDNA Silencing Are Two Independent and Separable Functions of the Replication Terminator Protein Fob1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2010; 285 (17):12612-12619.
Bairwa Narendra K., Zzaman Shamsu, Mohanty Bidyut K., Bastia Deepak. Replication Fork Arrest and rDNA Silencing Are Two Independent and Separable Functions of the Replication Terminator Protein Fob1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2010; 285 (17):12612-12619.
Baker D. A., Barth J., Chang R., Obeid L. M., Gilkeson G. S.. Genetic Sphingosine Kinase 1 Deficiency Significantly Decreases Synovial Inflammation and Joint Erosions in Murine TNF-alpha-Induced Arthritis. Journal of Immunology 2010; 185 (4):2570-2579.
Baker D., Obeid L., Gilkeson G.. Absence of Sphingosine Kinase 1 Inhibits Joint Erosions in Tnf-Alpha Iduced Arthritis. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2010; 58 (2):434-434.
Baker D., Obeid L., Gilkeson G.. Absence Kinase 1 Inhibits Joint Erosions in Tnf-Alpha Induced Arthritis. Journal of Investigative Medicine 2010; 58 (2):441-441.
Baker R., Mainous A. G.. More on Service Learning Reply. Family Medicine 2010; 42 (4):236-236.
Bakris G. L., Basile J. N., Giles T. D., Taylor A. A.. The Role of Nitric Oxide in Improving Endothelial Function and Cardiovascular Health: Focus on Nebivolol. American Journal of Medicine 2010; 123 (7):S2-S8.
Balasubramanian C. K., Neptune R. R., Kautz S. A.. Foot placement in a body reference frame during walking and its relationship to hemiparetic walking performance. Clinical Biomechanics 2010; 25 (5):483-490.
Balasubramanian S., Mani S. K., Kasiganesan H., Baicu C. C., Kuppuswamy D.. Hypertrophic Stimulation Increases beta-actin Dynamics in Adult Feline Cardiomyocytes. PloS one 2010; 5 (7):e11470..
Balasubramanian Sundaravadivel, Mani Santhosh K., Kasiganesan Harinath, Baicu Catalin C., Kuppuswamy Dhandapani. Hypertrophic stimulation increases β-actin dynamics in adult feline cardiomyocytes. PloS one 2010; 5 (7):No pp given.
Balthis W. L., Hyland J. L., Fulton M. H., Pennington P. L., Cooksey C., Key P. B., DeLorenzo M. E., Wirth E. F., Balthis W. L., Hyland J. L., Fulton M. H., Pennington P. L., Cooksey C., Key P. B., DeLorenzo M. E., Wirth E. F.. Effects of chemically spiked sediments on estuarine benthic communities: a controlled mesocosm study. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2010; 161 (1-4):191-203.
Bandyopadhyay D., Lachos V. H., Abanto-Valle C. A., Ghosh P.. Linear mixed models for skew-normal/independent bivariate responses with an application to periodontal disease. Statistics in Medicine 2010; 29 (25):2643-2655.
Bandyopadhyay D., Lachos V. H., Abanto-Valle C. A., Ghosh P.. Linear mixed models for skew-normal/independent bivariate responses with an application to periodontal disease. Statistics in Medicine 2010; 29 (25):2643-55.
Bandyopadhyay D., Pumar A. J.. NONPARAMETRIC ESTIMATION OF CONDITIONAL CUMULATIVE HAZARDS FOR MISSING POPULATION MARKS. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics 2010; 52 (1):75-91.
Bandyopadhyay D., Sinha D., Lipsitz S., Letourneau E.. Changing approaches of prosecutors towards juvenile repeated sex-offenders: A Bayesian evaluation. The annals of applied statistics 2010; 4 (2):805-829.
Bandyopadhyay Dipankar, Marlow Nicole M., Fernandes Jyotika K., Leite Renata S.. Periodontal disease progression and glycaemic control among Gullah African Americans with type-2 diabetes. J. Clin. Periodontol. 2010; 37 (6):501-509.
Bandyopadhyay M., Rohrer B.. Photoreceptor structure and function is maintained in organotypic cultures of mouse retinas. Molecular Vision 2010; 16 (131):1178-1185.
Bandyopadhyay Mausumi, Rohrer Barbel. Photoreceptor structure and function is maintained in organotypic cultures of mouse retinas. Molecular Vision 2010; 16 ():1178-1185.
Banik Naren L.. Estrogen: a promising agent for treatment of spinal cord injuries. Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association 2010; 106 (1):10-12.
Banna Kelly M., Back Sudie E., Do Phong, See Ronald E.. Yohimbine stress potentiates conditioned cue-induced reinstatement of heroin-seeking in rats. Behavioural Brain Research 2010; 208 (1):144-148.
Barbour J. R., Brothers T. E., Wetherholt S. F.. Stimulation of interest in resident completion of necessary administrative work: implementation and evaluation of a publicly displayed "administrative grade". Journal of Surgical Education 2010; 67 (1):48-51.
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