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Rena Lubker, PHD, MLS, MPH, RD, AHIP

Research & Education Informationist

MUSC Libraries
Department of Research & Education Services
Main Library 4th Floor, Room 415F | 843-792-7648
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Irene Lubker (Rena) joined the Library's Department of Research & Education Services in August 2017. Previously Rena served as a Research and Education librarian at the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) for several years. Irene is the library liaison to the MUSC's College of Dental Medicine, Public Health Sciences, HealthCare Studies, Dietitians and Dietetic Internship program where she provides reference assistance, research consultations, instruction, and outreach. Her interests include Evidence-based practice, population health, adult education, global health, diversity and inclusion and health disparities. Irene contributes to professional knowledge by publishing, and presenting at local, regional, and national conferences.


  • PhD, Adult Learning, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond Virginia
  • M.L.S. Library Science, North Carolina Central University, Durham (2004)
  • M.P.H. Public Health Nutrition, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1999)
  • B.A. Business Administration, Warren Wilson College, Asheville, NC (1992)

Selected Publications

  • Schvaneveldt, N., Stone, S., Brody, E., Clairoux, N., Lubker, I.M., Nevius, A., Porcello, L. & Bissram, J.W. (2021) Aligning Information Literacy and Evidence-Based Dentistry Concepts in a Rubric to Improve Dental Education. Medical References Services Quarterly, 40:2,236-248, DOI: 10.1080/02763869.2021.1912580
  • Nelson, J., Lubker, I.M., Bowers, L & Neville, B. (2021) Elevating Dental Training to Reduce HPV-Related Oropharyngeal Cancer Incidence Rates. Journal of Dental Education, 85:835-846
  • Brown RE, Cyrus J, Gau K, Lubker IM, McDaniel J, Wright BA, Hurst EJ. (2017). "Seeing the Big Picture: Sustaining Success in Liaison Services". Medical Reference Services Quarterly, Jul-Sep;36(3):240-252. doi: 10.1080/02763869.2017.1332148
  • Ladd, D., Lubker, IM. & Mack, T. (2017) "Collaboration and Partnership Provide Summer Library Programs for Middle School Students Summer Programs for Middle School Students." Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 17(2), 1-7.
  • Vindrola-Padros, C., Dyer, KE., Cyrus, J., Lubker, IM. (2017). Healthcare professionals' views on discussing fertility preservation with young cancer patients: a mixed method systematic review of the literature. Psycho-Oncology, 26 (1), 4-14 n/a. doi:10.1002/pon.4092
  • Dhakal, K., Grigg, K., Lubker, I., & Young, K. (2016) Chapter 6: Research Skills and Competencies Necessary for Librarians in the Digital Age. In Roger Russell and Jeff Coghill (Eds.), Developing Librarian Competencies for the Digital Age.

Selected Presentations

  • Schvaneveldt, N., Stone, S., Brody, E., Clairoux, N., Lubker, I.M., Nevius, A., Porcello, L. & Bissram, J.W. (2021) Aligning Information Literacy and Evidence-Based Dentistry Concepts in a Rubric to Improve Dental Education. Medical References Services Quarterly, 40:2,236-248,
  • Kepsel, Andresen, Ansell, Desouky, Jasmin, Lubker, Petre, Pierce, Schvaneveldt, Shereff, Swanberg, Tuttle, Wong, Wright, & Sablatzky. "Designing an Open Repository of Educational Resources for Health Information Professionals." Poster presented at the Medical Library Association Virtual Annual Meeting, May 2021
  • Schvaneveldt, N., Stone, S., Lubker, I.M., & Porcello, L. "An Educational Rubric for Dentistry Curricula: Invitation to Collaborate". Poster presented at the American Association for Dental Research Virtual Annual Meeting, June 2021
  • Whitney, R., Keinath, C., Lubker, I.M. Instructing Library Users to Access eBooks Collections During COVID-19 through the Creation of a Virtual Workshop. Poster presented at the South Carolina Conference on Information Literacy (SCCIL) Virtual Meeting, August 2021
  • Lubker I.M. & Davis A. Supporting Dietetic Interns with Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). Paper presented at the Medical Library Association Virtual Annual Meeting, August 2020
  • Feldmann, K., Davis, A., Lubker, I.M. & Martin, K. Exploratory Study of Evidence-Based Practice in Dietetic Interns, and their Preceptors. Poster presented at the Virtual Annual Meeting of the South Carolina Academy of Dietetics and Nutrition, April 2020.
  • Lubker, I.M. "Global health initiatives of Library Institutions." Short talk presented at the Health Sciences Lively Lunch, Charleston Conference Virtual Annual Meeting, November 2020
  • Davis A. and Lubker I.M. (August 2019). "Information Literacy: Practice Tools for Busy Dietitians" Webinar with CEUs presented to dietitians in North America.
  • Lubker, I.M. Perceptions of health sciences librarians in in liaison roles on the acquisition of discipline specific knowledge. Poster presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting in Atlanta, May 2018.
  • Stellrecht, E. McGowan, R; Lubker, I.M., Schvaneveldt, N., Arnold, S., Cortez, E., Davis, D., Kronenfeld, M., Theis-Mahon, N. A Comprehensive Summary of Services and Resources Provided by Librarians in Support of CODA Accredited Predoctoral (DDS/DMD) Dental Education Programs in the United States and Canada. Poster presented at the American Dental Educators Association's Annual Session & Exhibition in Long Beach, California, March 2017