Main Library 4th Floor, Room 415G | 843-792-0065
Heather became the Associate Director of Libraries in February 2016. In this position, Heather is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Library, including supervision of a diverse staff of librarians, technologists, and support staff
in areas including reference, education, evidence-based practice, resources/collections, and learning commons. Heather joins us from Summa Health System's
Akron City and St. Thomas Hospitals in Akron, OH where she was a Clinical Informationist.
- MLIS, Library and Information Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 1998
- BA, Philosophy, Washington & Jefferson College, Washington, PA 1995
Selected Publications
- Eldredge JD, Holmes HN, Ascher MT. Moving the EBLIP Community's Research Agenda Forward. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice. 2015; 10(2): 170-73.
- Eldredge JD, Ascher MT, Holmes HN. An Innovative Model of Evidence-Based Practice for Other Professions. J Med Libr Assoc. 2015;103(2):100-102.
- Eldredge JD, Ascher MT, Holmes, HN, Harris MR. The New Medical Library Association Research Agenda: Final Results From a Three-Phase Delphi Study. J Med Libr Assoc. 2012;100(3):214-218.
Selected Presentations
- Holmes HN. Save some nickels: using Lean Six Sigma to make change. Presented at the Upstate New York/Ontario Chapter of the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, October 2015, Buffalo, NY.
- Holmes HN. Hospital libraries: challenges and opportunities. Webinar, National Network of Libraries of Medicine Middle Atlantic Region, December 2015.
- Holmes HN. The MLA Systematic Review Project. Presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, May 2015, Austin, TX.
- Holmes HN. Stepping out even further: expanding the role of the Clinical Informationist. Presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, May 2014, Chicago, IL.
- Holmes HN. Research versus research: sometimes the little r is all you need. Webinar, Medical Library Association, December 2013.
- Holmes HN, et al. Leveraging mobile technologies for health science librarians. Studio production. Medical Library Association. May 2012, Chicago IL.
Selected Recognition and Awards
- Lois Ann Colaianni Award for Excellence and Achievement in Hospital Librarianship, Medical Library Association, 2014
- Library Journal Mover & Shaker, 2011
- National Library of Medicine Biomedical Informatics Fellowship, 2010