Publications - 2000

Displaying Publications 101 thru 151 (1068; Publications found in database)
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Bohning D. E., Shastri A., McGavin L., McConnell K. A., Nahas Z., Lorberbaum J. P., Roberts D. R., George M. S.. Motor cortex brain activity induced by 1-Hz transcranial magnetic stimulation is similar in location and level to that for volitional movement. Investigative Radiology 2000; 35 (11):676-683.
Bohning D. E., Shastri A., Wassermann E. M., Ziemann U., Lorberbaum J. P., Nahas Z., Lomarev M. P., George M. S.. BOLD-fMRI response to single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2000; 11 (6):569-574.
Boland T., Latour R. A., Stutzenberger F. J.. Molecular basis of bacterial adhesion. In: An Y. H., Friedman R. J., editors. Handbook of Bacterial Adhesion: Principles, Methods, and Applications. Totowa: Humana Press, 2000. p. 29-42.
Bonapace C. R., White R. L., Friedrich L. V., Bosso J. A.. Evaluation of antibiotic synergy against Acinetobacter baumannii: a comparison with Etest, time-kill, and checkerboard methods. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 2000; 38 (1):43-50.
Bond B. R., Zellner J. L., Dorman B. H., Multani M. M., Kratz J. M., Crumbley A. J., Crawford F. A., Spinale F. G.. Differential effects of calcium channel antagonists in the amelioration of radial artery vasospasm. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2000; 69 (4):1035-1040.
Bone H. G., Greenspan S. L., McKeever C., Bell N., Davidson M., Downs R. W., Emkey R., Meunier P. J., Miller S. S., Mulloy A. L., Recker R. R., Weiss S. R., Heyden N., Musliner T., Suryawanshi S., Yates A. J., Lombardi A.. Alendronate and estrogen effects in postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2000; 85 (2):720-726.
Boulton D. W., Devane C. L.. Development and application of a chiral high performance liquid chromatography assay for pharmacokinetic studies of methadone. Chirality 2000; 12 (9):681-687.
Bountis T., Starmer C. F., Bezerianos A.. Stationary pulses and wave front formation in an excitable medium. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 2000; 139 ():12-33.
Bourgon L. N., Kellner C. H.. Relapse of depression after ECT: A review. Journal of ECT 2000; 16 (1):19-31.
Bowen D. J., Kuniyuki A., Shattuck A., Nixon D. W., Sponzo R. W.. Results of a volunteer program to conduct dietary intervention research for women. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2000; 22 (1):94-100.
Bradford W. D., Martin R. E.. Partnerships, profit sharing, and quality competition in the medical profession. Review of Industrial Organization 2000; 17 (2):193-208.
Bradley E. P.. Over my head - A doctor's own story of head injury from the inside looking out. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 2000; 15 (1):764-766.
Brady K. T.. Difficulties in diagnosis and management of bipolar disorder: Three case presentations. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2000; 61 (Suppl 13):32-37.
Brady K. T., Killeen T. K., Brewerton T., Lucerini S.. Comorbidity of psychiatric disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2000; 61 (Suppl 7):22-32.
Brady K. T., Pearlstein T., Asnis G. M., Baker D., Rothbaum B., Sikes C. R., Farfel G. M.. Placebo effect in posttraumatic stress disorders - Reply. Jama: Journal of the American Medical Association 2000; 284 (5):563-564.
Brady K., Pearlstein T., Asnis G. M., Baker D., Rothbaum B., Sikes C. R., Farfel G. M.. Efficacy and safety of sertraline treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder - A randomized controlled trial. Jama: Journal of the American Medical Association 2000; 283 (14):1837-1844.
Brandon C., Eisenberg L. M., Eisenberg C. A.. WNT signaling modulates the diversification of hematopoietic cells. Blood 2000; 96 (13):4132-4141.
Brawman-Mintzer O., Lydiard R. B., Ballenger J. C.. Buspirone. In: Sadock B. J., Sadock V. A., editors. Kaplan and Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000. p. 2329-2334.
Brawman-Mintzer O., Yonkers K. A.. Sex differences in the psychopharmacological treatment of depression. Mood Disorders In Women 2000; ():509-520.
Brewerton T. D., Dansky B. S., Kilpatrick D. G., O'Neil P. M.. Which comes first in the pathogenesis of bulimia nervosa: Dieting or bingeing. International Journal of Eating Disorders 2000; 28 (3):259-264.
Brewerton T. D., Lesem M. D., Kennedy A., Garvey W. T.. Reduced plasma leptin concentrations in bulimia nervosa. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2000; 25 (7):649-658.
Briggs G. G., Carson D. S., Rayburn W. F.. Which medications are safe in pregnancy?. Patient Care 2000; 34 (24):19+.
Broderick J. P., Lu M., Kothari R., Levine S. R., Lyden P. D., Haley E. C., Brott T. G., Grotta J., Tilley B. C., Marler J. R., Frankel M.. Finding the most powerful measures of the effectiveness of tissue plasminogen activator in the NINDS tPA Stroke Trial. Stroke 2000; 31 (10):2335-2341.
Brooks S. C., Ergul A.. Role of the hydrophobic transmembrane domain in membrane anchoring of endothelin-converting enzyme-1a. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 2000; 36 (Suppl 1):S30-S32.
Brooks S. C., Fernandez L., Ergul A.. Secretion of endothelin converting enzyme-1a: The hydrophobic signal anchor domain alone is not sufficient to promote membrane localization. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 2000; 208 (1-2):45-51.
Brown R. T.. Medical Issues for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies 2000; 11 (3):181-182. doi: 10.1177/104420730001100308
Brown R. T., Davis P. C., Lambert R., Hsu L., Hopkins K., Eckman J.. Neurocognitive functioning and magnetic resonance imaging in children with sickle cell disease. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2000; 25 (7):503-513.
Brown R. T., Lambert R., Devine D., Baldwin K., Casey R., Doepke K., Ievers C. E., Hsu L., Buchanan I., Eckman J.. Risk-resistance adaptation model for caregivers and their children with sickle cell syndromes. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2000; 22 (2):158-169.
Brown S. G., Davis R. S.. Putting a new face on self-sufficiency programs. American Journal of Public Health 2000; 90 (9):1383-1384.
Brownfield E. L., Leman R. B.. Ventricular arrhythmias. Primary Care Management Of Heart Disease 2000; ():307-319.
Brunello N., den Boer J. A., Judd L. L., Kasper S., Kelsey J. E., Lader M., Lecrubier Y., Lepine J. P., Lydiard R. B., Mendlewicz J., Montgomery S. A., Racagni G., Stein M. B., Wittchen H. U.. Social phobia: diagnosis and epidemiology, neurobiology and pharmacology, comorbidity and treatment. Journal of Affective Disorders 2000; 60 (1):61-74.
Brzezinski W. A., Leman R. B.. Atrial arrhythmias. Primary Care Management Of Heart Disease 2000; ():296-306.
Bullesbach E. E., Schwabe C.. The relaxin receptor-binding site geometry suggests a novel gripping mode of interaction. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2000; 275 (45):35276-35280.
Butler G. C., Nicholas J., Lackland D. T., Friedberg W.. Perspectives of those impacted - Airline pilots perspective. Health Physics 2000; 79 (5):602-607.
Butner L. E., Fulco P. P., Feldman G.. Calcium carbonate-induced hypothyroidism. Annals of Internal Medicine 2000; 132 (7):595.
Byars K. C., Brown R. T., Campbell R. M., Hobbs S. A.. Psychological adjustment and coping in a population of children with recurrent syncope. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 2000; 21 (3):189-197.
Byeon M. K., Harley R. A., Wessels A., Silver R. M., Ludwicka-Bradley A.. Role of thrombin in induction of a myofibroblast phenotype (meeting abstract). Molecular Biology of the Cell 2000; 11 (S):1723.
Calis K. A., Anderson D. W., Auth D. A., Mays D. A., Turcasso N. M., Meyer C. C., Young L. R.. Quality of pharmacotherapy consultations provided by drug information centers in the United States. Pharmacotherapy 2000; 20 (7):830-836.
Camenisch T. D., Spicer A. P., Brehm-Gibson T., Biesterfeldt J., Augustine M. L., Calabro A., Kubalak S., Klewer S. E., McDonald J. A.. Disruption of hyaluronan synthase-2 abrogates normal cardiac morphogenesis and hyaluronan-mediated transformation of epithelium to mesenchyme. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2000; 106 (3):349-360.
Campbell J. M., Banta-Wright S. A.. Neonatal skin disorders: A review of selected dermatologic abnormalities. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing 2000; 14 (1):63-83.
Canalis R. F., Lambert P. R.editors. The ear: comprehensive otology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000.
Canalis R. F., Lambert P. R.. Acute suppurative otitis media and mastoiditis. In: Canalis R. F., Lambert P. R., editors. The Ear: Comprehensive Otology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000. p. 397-408.
Canalis R. F., Lambert P. R.. Chronic otitis media and cholesteatoma. In: Canalis R. F., Lambert P. R., editors. The Ear: Comprehensive Otology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000. p. 409-431.
Cao Q. L., Radtke W., Berger F., Zhu W., Hijazi Z. M.. Transcatheter closure of multiple atrial septal defects - Initial results and value of two- and three-dimensional transoesophageal echocardiography. European Heart Journal 2000; 21 (11):941-947.
Caparas S. N., Clair M. J., Krombach R. S., Hendrick J. W., Houck W. V., Kribbs S. B., Mukherjee R., Tempel G. E., Spinale F. G.. Brain blood flow patterns after the development of congestive heart failure: Effects of treadmill exercise. Critical Care Medicine 2000; 28 (1):209-214.
Capilouto G. J.. Rehabilitation settings. In: Kumar Shrawan, editor. Multidisciplinary Approach to Rehabilitation. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000. p. 1-26.
Carek P. J., Anderson K. D., Blue A. V., Mavis B. E.. Recruitment behavior and program directors: How ethical are their perspectives about the match process?. Family Medicine 2000; 32 (4):258-260.
Carek P. J., Mainous A. G.. Preparticipation cardiovascular screening for young athletes. Jama: Journal of the American Medical Association 2000; 284 (8):957.
Carek P. J., Sack J.. Common infections of the skin and bone. In: Mainous A.G.,, Pomeroy,C., editors. Management Of Antimicrobials in Infectious Diseases : Impact of Antibiotic Resistance. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, Inc., 2000. p. 273-287.
Carey J. C., Klebanoff M. A., Hauth J. C., Hillier S. L., Thom E. A., Ernest J. M., Heine R. P., Nugent R. P., Fischer M. L., Leveno K. J., Wapner R., Varner M.. Metronidazole to prevent preterm delivery in pregnant women with asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis. New England Journal of Medicine 2000; 342 (8):534-540.

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