Publications - 2008

Displaying Publications 51 thru 101 (2130; Publications found in database)
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An N. F., Blumer J. B., Bernard M. L., Lanier S. M.. The PDZ and Band 4.1 Containing Protein Frmpd1 Regulates the Subcellular Location of Activator of G-protein Signaling 3 and Its Interaction with G-proteins. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2008; 283 (36):24718-24728.
Anderegg B. A., Baillie G. M., Uber W. E., Chavin K. D., Lin A., Baliga P. K., Lazarchick J.. Case report: Use of bivalirudin to prevent thrombosis following orthotopic liver transplantation in a patient with Budd-Chiari syndrome and a history of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science 2008; 38 (3):277-282.
Anderegg B. A., Baillie G. M., Uber W. E., Chavin K. D., Lin A., Baliga P. K., Lazarchick J.. Use of bivalirudin to prevent thrombosis following orthotopic liver transplantation in a patient with Budd-Chiari syndrome and a history of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science 2008; 38 (3):277-82.
Andersen K., Weinberger M. H., Egan B., Constance C. M., Ali M. A., Jine J., Keefe D. L.. Comparative efficacy and safety of aliskiren, an oral direct renin inhibitor, and ramipril in hypertension: a 6-month, randomized, double-blind trial. Journal of Hypertension 2008; 26 (3):589-599.
Anderson E., Nietert P. J., Kamen D. L., Gilkeson G. S.. Ethnic disparities among patients with systemic lupus erythematosus in South Carolina. Journal of Rheumatology 2008; 35 (5):819-825.
Anderson P. A. W., Sleeper L. A., Mahony L., Colan S. D., Atz A. M., Breitbart R. E., Gersony W. M., Gallagher D., Geva T., Margossian R., McCrindle B. W., Paridon S., Schwartz M., Stylianou M., Williams R. V., Clark B. J.. Contemporary outcomes after the Fontan procedure - A pediatric heart network multicenter study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2008; 52 (2):85-98.
Anderson R. H., Loukas M.. Introduction to the special issue on cardiac anatomy. Clinical Anatomy 2008; 22 (1):2-3.
Ando T., Mimura K., Johansson C. C., Hanson M. G., Mougiakakos D., Larsson C., da Palma T. M., Sakurai D., Norell H., Li M. L., Nishimura M. I., Kiessling R.. Transduction with the Antioxidant Enzyme Catalase Protects Human T Cells against Oxidative Stress. Journal of Immunology 2008; 181 (12):8382-8390.
Andreeff M., Ruvolo V., Gadgil S., Zeng C., Coombes K., Chen W., Kornblau S., Baron A. E., Drabkin H. A.. HOX expression patterns identify a common signature for favorable AML. Leukemia 2008; 22 (11):2041-2047.
Andrews A. W., Folger S. E., Norbet S. E., Swift L. C.. Tests and measures used by specialist physical therapists when examining patients with stroke. Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT 2008; 32 (3):122-8.
Anelli V., Gault C. R., Cheng A. B., Obeid L. M.. Sphingosine kinase 1 is up-regulated during hypoxia in U87MG glioma cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2008; 283 (6):3365-3375.
Anelli Viviana, Gault Christopher R., Cheng Amy B., Obeid Lina M.. Sphingosine kinase 1 is up-regulated during hypoxia in U87MG glioma cells. Role of hypoxia-inducible factors 1 and 2. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2008; 283 (6):3365-75.
Angotti L. B., Post G. R., Robinson N. S., Lewis J. A., Hudspeth M. P., Lazarchick J.. Pancytopenia with myelodysplasia due to copper deficiency. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 2008; 51 (5):693-5.
Anis M., Irshad A.. Imaging of abdominal lymphoma. Radiologic Clinics of North America 2008; 46 (2):265-285.
Anton R. F.. Naltrexone for the management of alcohol dependence. New England Journal of Medicine 2008; 359 (7):715-721.
Anton R. F., Kranzler H., Breder C., Marcus R. N., Carson W. H., Han J.. A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the efficacy and safety of aripiprazole for the treatment of alcohol dependence. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2008; 28 (1):5-12.
Anton R. F., Myrick H., Latham P., Baros A., Wright T., Stewart S., Malcolm R., Waid R., Randall P.. Double blind controlled trial of flumazenil and gabapentin for the treatment of alcohol dependence. Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research 2008; 32 (6):255A-255A.
Anton R. F., Oroszi G., O'Malley S., Couper D., Swift R., Pettinati H., Goldman D.. An evaluation of mu-opioid receptor (OPRM1) as a predictor of naltrexone response in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Archives of General Psychiatry 2008; 65 (2):135-144.
Anton Raymond F., Kranzler Henry, Breder Christopher, Marcus Ronald N., Carson William H., Han Jian. A randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the efficacy and safety of aripiprazole for the treatment of alcohol dependence. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2008; 28 (1):5-12.
Anton Raymond F., Oroszi Gabor, O'Malley Stephanie, Couper David, Swift Robert, Pettinati Helen, Goldman David. An evaluation of mu-opioid receptor (OPRM1) as a predictor of naltrexone response in the treatment of alcohol dependence: results from the Combined Pharmacotherapies and Behavioral Interventions for Alcohol Dependence (COMBINE) study.[see comment]. Archives of General Psychiatry 2008; 65 (2):135-44.
Anton Raymond F., Oroszi Gabor, O'Malley Stephanie, Couper David, Swift Robert, Pettinati Helen, Goldman David. An evaluation of mu-opioid receptor (OPRM1) as a predictor of naltrexone response in the treatment of alcohol dependence: Results from the combined pharmacotherapies and behavioral interventions for alcohol dependence (COMBINE) study. Archives of General Psychiatry 2008; 65 (2):135-144.
Antshel K. M., Barkley R.. Psychosocial interventions in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America 2008; 17 (2):421-+.
Antshel Kevin M., Barkley Russell. Psychosocial interventions in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America 2008; 17 (2):421-437.
Arana A. B., Borckardt J. J., Ricci R., Anderson B., Li X. B., Linder K. J., Long J., Sackeim H. A., George M. S.. Focal electrical stimulation as a sham control for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: Does it truly mimic the cutaneous sensation and pain of active prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation?. Brain Stimulation 2008; 1 (1):44-51.
Arana A., Horner M., Anderson B., Forster L., Borckardt J. R., George M. S., Nahas Z.. Explaining emotional intelligence with cognitive flexibility and empathy. Biological Psychiatry 2008; 63 (7):118S-119S.
Aranow C., Ben-Zvi I., Kamen D., Mackay M., Gilkeson G., Diamond B., Hardin J. A.. The effect of vitamin D supplementation on the interferon signature in patients with SLE. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2008; 58 (9):S333-S333.
Arford P. H., Knowles M. B., Sneed N. V.. Competent human research personnel. Journal of continuing education in nursing 2008; 39 (12):565-8.
Argraves K. M., Gazzolo P. J., Groh E. M., Wilkerson B. A., Matsuura B. S., Twal W. O., Hammad S. M., Argraves W. S.. High density lipoprotein-associated sphingosine 1-phosphate promotes endothelial barrier function. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2008; 283 (36):25074-25081.
Arias A. J., Gelernter J., Chan G., Weiss R. D., Brady K. T., Farrer L., Kranzler H. R.. Correlates of co-occurring ADHD in drug-dependent subjects: Prevalence and features of substance dependence and psychiatric disorders. Addictive Behaviors 2008; 33 (9):1199-1207.
Armstrong A. J., Garrett-Mayer E. L., Eisenberger M.. Re: Adaptive therapy for androgen-independent prostate cancer: A randomized selection trial of four regimens. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2008; 100 (9):681-682.
Armstrong D. M., Chang E., Robinson C., Sullivan S., Marterre R., Johnson D.. A Comparison of Vertical and Pfannensteil Incisions in Patients Undergoing Cesarean Delivery with the Syndrome of Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes, and Low Platelets (HELLP). Hypertension in Pregnancy 2008; 27 (4):594-594.
Arrington D. D., Schnellmann R. G.. Targeting of the molecular chaperone oxygen-regulated protein 150 (ORP150) to mitochondria and its induction by cellular stress. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 2008; 294 (2):C641-C650.
Arrington David D., Schnellmann Rick G.. Targeting of the molecular chaperone oxygen-regulated protein 150 (ORP150) to mitochondria and its induction by cellular stress. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology 2008; 294 (2):C641-50.
Arthur J. M., Janech M. G., Varghese S. A., Almeida J. S., Powell T. B.. Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in acute renal failure. In: Thongboonkerd V., editor. Proteomics in Nephrology - Towards Clinical Applications. New York: S. Karger, 2008. p. 53-64.
Arthur J. M., Janech M. G., Varghese S. A., Almeida J. S., Powell T. B.. Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in acute renal failure. Contributions to Nephrology 2008; 160 ():53-64.
Arthur J. M., Powell T. B.. Urinary Biomarkers in Diabetic Nephropathy and Other Glomerular Diseases. Book: Clinical Proteomics: From Diagnosis to Therapy 2008; ():295-322.
Asano Y., Markiewicz M., Kubo M., Szalai G., Watson D. K., Trojanowska M.. Transcription factor Fli1 regulates collagen fibrillogenesis in mouse skin. Molecular and Cellular Biology 2008; ():.
Asatryan L., Popova M., Woodward J. J., King B. F., Alkana R. L., Davies D. L.. Roles of ectodomain and transmembrane regions in ethanol and agonist action in purinergic P2X2 and P2X3 receptors. Neuropharmacology 2008; 55 (5):835-843.
Aston-Jones G.. Orexin neurons in lateral hypothalamus: A role in alcohol and drug abuse. Alcohol 2008; 42 (4):323-323.
Aston-Jones G., Kalivas P. W.. Brain norepinephrine rediscovered in addiction research.[comment]. Biological Psychiatry 2008; 63 (11):1005-6.
Aston-Jones Gary, Kalivas Peter W.. Brain norepinephrine rediscovered in addiction research. Biological Psychiatry 2008; 63 (11):1005-1006.
Atkins D. L., Scott W. A., Blaufox A. D., Law I. H., Dick M., Geheb F., Sobh J., Brewer J. E.. Sensitivity and specificity of an automated external defibrillator algorithm designed for pediatric patients. Resuscitation 2008; 76 (2):168-174.
Atkinson C., Gong Y., Huang Y., Pauling E., Goddard M., Tomlinson S.. The role of complement in myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury and antibody-mediated rejection in a mouse heterotopic heart transplant model. Molecular immunology 2008; 45 (16):4160-4161.
Atkinson C., Qiao F., Song H., Gilkeson G. S., Tomlinson S.. Low-dose targeted complement inhibition protects against renal disease and other manifestations of autoimmune disease in MRL/lpr mice. Journal of Immunology 2008; 180 (2):1231-1238.
Atz A. M., Hawkins J., Lu M. M., Cohen M., Jaggers J., McCrindle B. W., Margossian R., Mosca R., Colon S., Lacro R., Minich L. L.. Surgical Management of Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect: Associations with Surgical Technique, Age and Trlsomy 21. Circulation 2008; 118 (18):S913-S913.
Avery D. H., Isenberg K. E., Sampson S. M., Janicak P. G., Lisanby S. H., Maixner D. F., Loo C., Thase M. E., Demitrack M. A., George M. S.. Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the acute treatment of major depressive disorder: Clinical response in an open-label extension trial. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2008; 69 (3):441-451.
Aydogan B., Bolch W. E., Swarts S. G., Turner J. E., Marshall D. T.. Monte Carlo simulations of site-specific radical attack to DNA bases. Radiation Research 2008; 169 (2):223-231.
Ayme-Southgate A. J., Southgate R. J., Philipp R. A., Sotka E. E., Kramp C.. The myofibrillar protein, projectin, is highly conserved across insect evolution except for its PEVK domain. Journal of Molecular Evolution 2008; 67 (6):653-69.
Babcock M. A., Kostova F. V., Guha A., Packer R. J., Pollack I. F., Maria B. L.. Tumors of the central nervous system: clinical aspects, molecular mechanisms, unanswered questions, and future research directions. Journal of Child Neurology 2008; 23 (10):1103-21.
Back S. E., Brady K. T., Waldrop A. E., Yeatts S. D., McRae A. L., Spratt E.. Early life trauma and sensitivity to current life stressors in individuals with and without cocaine dependence. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 2008; 34 (4):389-396.

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