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Publications - May 2018

Displaying Publications 1 thru 50 (136; Publications found in database)
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Abuzaid A., Fabrizio C., Felpel K., Al Ashry H. S., Ranjan P., Elbadawi A., Mohamed A. H., Barssoum K., Elgendy I. Y.. Oxygen Therapy in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Medicine 2018; 131 (6):693-701. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2017.12.027
Adeoye Abiodun M., Tayo Bamidele O., Owolabi Mayowa O., Adebiyi Adewole A., Lackland Daniel T., Cooper Richard, Ojo Akinlolu, Ogedegbe Gbenga. Ambulatory blood pressure threshold for black Africans: more questions than answers. Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2018; 20 (5):847-849. doi: 10.1111/jch.13287
Alawieh A., Farris Langley E., Tomlinson S.. Targeted complement inhibition salvages stressed neurons and inhibits neuroinflammation after stroke in mice. Science Translational Medicine 2018; 10 (441):Article No. eaao6459. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aao6459
Amaechi P., Rodriguez R., Rao V., Taber D., Salas M. P.. Predictors of Early Graft Loss in Older Kidney Transplant Recipients. American Journal of Transplantation 2018; 18 ():585-586.
Anderson J., Cassidy D., Dubay D., Hart P., Hauser A., Pilch N.. Taking Your Center's Temperature: Using a Heat Map to Target Your Transplant-Specific Education for Regulatory Compliance. American Journal of Transplantation 2018; 18 ():397-397.
Anestis Joye C., Finn Jacob A., Gottfried Emily D., Hames Jennifer L., Bodell Lindsay P., Hagan Christopher R., Arnau Randolph C., Anestis Michael D., Arbisi Paul A., Joiner Thomas E.. Burdensomeness, Belongingness, and Capability: Assessing the Interpersonal–Psychological Theory of Suicide With MMPI-2-RF Scales. Assessment 2018; 25 (4):415-431. doi: 10.1177/1073191116652227
Antonucci M. U.. Subacute Combined Degeneration from Recreational Nitrous Oxide Inhalation. Journal of Emergency Medicine 2018; 54 (5):e105-e107. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2018.01.045
Badran Bashar W., Dowdle Logan T., Mithoefer Oliver J., LaBate Nicholas T., Coatsworth James, Brown Joshua C., DeVries William H., Austelle Christopher W., McTeague Lisa M., George Mark S.. Neurophysiologic effects of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) via electrical stimulation of the tragus: A concurrent taVNS/fMRI study and review. Brain stimulation 2018; 11 (3):492-500. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2017.12.009
Basco Jr William T., Roberts James R., Ebeling Myla, Garner Sandra S., Hulsey Thomas C., Simpson Kit. Indications for Use of Combination Acetaminophen/Opioid Drugs in Infants <6 Months Old. Clinical Pediatrics 2018; 57 (6):741-744. doi: 10.1177/0009922817730349
Bishu K. G., O’Reilly S., Lahiff E., Steiner B.. Cattle farmers’ perceptions of risk and risk management strategies: evidence from Northern Ethiopia. Journal of Risk Research 2018; 21 (5):579-598. doi: 10.1080/13669877.2016.1223163
Black Alyson P., Mehta Anand S.. The search for biomarkers of hepatocellular carcinoma and the impact on patient outcome. Curr. Opin. Pharmacol. 2018; 41 ():74-78. doi: 10.1016/j.coph.2018.04.002
Boynes S. G., Lauer A., Martin A.. Geographic and health system correlates of interprofessional oral health practice. Family Medicine and Community Health 2018; 6 (2):77-84. doi: 10.15212/FMCH.2018.0104
Bright C. E.. Integrative Review of Mobile Phone Contacts and Medication Adherence in Severe Mental Illness. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association 2018; 24 (3):209-222. doi: 10.1177/1078390318754986
Cade W. T., Bohnert K. L., Reeds D. N., Peterson L. R., Bittel A. J., Bashir A., Byrne B. J., Taylor C. L.. Peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) across childhood, adolescence and young adulthood in Barth syndrome: Data from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. PLoS ONE 2018; 13 (5):. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0197776
Carrico R., Lehman R., Uccellini K., Chan K., Whelan T.. Reliability of Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome Reporting to the OPTN. American Journal of Transplantation 2018; 18 ():855-855.
Choi Seungho, Won Je-Seong, Carroll Steven L., Annamalai Balasubramaniam, Singh Inderjit, Singh Avtar K.. Pathology of nNOS-Expressing GABAergic Neurons in Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Neuroscience 2018; 384 ():41-53. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2018.05.013
Conway B. N., Lopes‐virella M. F., Blot W. J.. Late adulthood mortality among African‐American and white American people with Type 1 diabetes according to age at diabetes diagnosis. Diabetic Medicine 2018; 35 (6):729-736. doi: 10.1111/dme.13617
Corbo H., Patel N., Pilch N., Rohan V., Fleming J., Harrison T., Hardcopf J., O'Brien B., Perez C., Baliga P., Meadows H., Taber D.. Validation of a Transplant Knowledge Quiz and Its Impact on Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients. American Journal of Transplantation 2018; 18 ():336-336.
Cormack C. L., Jensen E., Durham C. O., Smith G., Dumas B.. The 360-degree evaluation model: A method for assessing competency in graduate nursing students. A pilot research study. Nurse Education Today 2018; 64 ():132-137. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2018.01.027
Coté G. A.. Editorial: the sphincter of Oddi strikes again—eluxadoline illuminates a controversial mechanism for the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2018; 47 (9):1324-1325. doi: 10.1111/apt.14596
Cummings K. Michael, Polosa Riccardo. E-Cigarette and COPD: Unreliable Conclusion About Health Risks. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2018; 33 (6):784-785. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11606-018-4396-8
Dallefeld S. H., Atz A. M., Yogev R., Sullivan J. E., Al-Uzri A., Mendley S. R., Laughon M., Hornik C. P., Melloni C., Harper B., Lewandowski A., Mitchell J., Wu H. L., Green T. P., Cohen-Wolkowiez M.. A pharmacokinetic model for amiodarone in infants developed from an opportunistic sampling trial and published literature data. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 2018; 45 (3):419-430. doi: 10.1007/s10928-018-9576-y
Davis-McFarland Elise. The Way It Used To Be. ASHA Leader 2018; 23 (6):4-5.
Divine J. G., Daggy M. W., Dixon E. E., Leblanc D. P., Okragly R. A., Hasselfeld K. A.. Case Series of Exertional Heat Stroke in Runners during Early Spring: 2014 to 2016 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon. Current Sports Medicine Reports 2018; 17 (5):151-158. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000485
Djoussé L., Ho Y. L., Nguyen X. M. T., Gagnon D. R., Wilson P. W. F., Cho K., Michael Gaziano J., Halasz I., Federman D., Beckham J., Sherman S. E., Sriram P., Tsao P. S., Boyko E. J., Xu J., Lederle F., Dellitalia L. J., McArdle R., Kaminsky L., DeBakey M. E., Swann A. C., Hamner M. B., Florez H. J., Pandya P., Villarreal G., Wilson P., Morgan T. R., Davis L., Bill W. G., Hurley R. A., Meyer L., Ahuja S. K., Konicki E. P., Cohen D., Lichy J., Whittle J., Haddock K. S., Straub K. D., Callaghan J. T., Aguayo S. M., Gupta S., Washburn R. G., Oehlert M. E., Hung A. M., Wallbom A., Keith R., Sonel E., Schifman R. B., Childress R. D., Godschalk M. F., Shuldiner A. R., Rastogi P., Gutierrez S., Fernando R., Iruvanti P. R., Jhala D., Rosado-Rodriguez C., Mastorides S. M., Harley J. B., Mattocks K., Striker R. T., Rauchman M., Wells J., Ballas Z. K., Woods S. S., Yeh S., Ratcliffe N. R., Klein J. B., Golden A. G., Ginzburg H. M., Sharma S., Oursler K. A. K., Whooley M. A., Gibson G.. DASH score and subsequent risk of coronary artery disease: The findings from million veteran program. Journal of the American Heart Association 2018; 7 (9):. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.117.008089
Dopkins Nicholas, Nagarkatti Prakash S., Nagarkatti Mitzi. The role of gut microbiome and associated metabolome in the regulation of neuroinflammation in multiple sclerosis and its implications in attenuating chronic inflammation in other inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. Immunology 2018; 154 (2):178-185. doi: 10.1111/imm.12903
Eckert M. A., Vaden K. I. Jr., Gebregziabher M.. Reading profiles in multi-site data with missingness. Frontiers in Psychology 2018; 9 (MAY):Article No. 644. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00644
Editor. Infection Concerns Gain FDA Attention. Same - Day Surgery 2018; 42 (6):3 pgs..
Eichinger J. K., Greenhouse A. R., Parada S. A., Grassbaugh J. A.. Acute AC Dislocation Repair in the Supine Position Utilizing a Minimally Invasive "Finger-Scopic" Technique. Techniques in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2018; 19 (2):91-92.
Ethiraj Purushoth, Link Jessica R., Sinkway James M., Brown Gabriella D., Parler William A., Reddy Sakamuri V.. Microgravity modulation of syncytin-A expression enhance osteoclast formation. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2018; 119 (7):5696-5703. doi: 10.1002/jcb.26750
Fülöp T., Tapolyai M. B., Koch C. A.. Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults. The New England journal of medicine 2018; 378 (20):1949. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1804294
Fernandes R. S., Silva J. O., Mussi S. V., Lopes S. C. A., Leite E. A., Cassali G. D., Cardoso V. N., Townsend D. M., Colletti P. M., Ferreira L. A. M., Rubello D., de Barros A. L. B.. Nanostructured Lipid Carrier Co-loaded with Doxorubicin and Docosahexaenoic Acid as a Theranostic Agent: Evaluation of Biodistribution and Antitumor Activity in Experimental Model. Molecular Imaging and Biology 2018; 20 (3):437-447. doi: 10.1007/s11307-017-1133-3
Fox Jacob, Smith Alexis, Yale Alexander, Chow Christopher, Alaswad Elsa, Cushing Tracy, Monte Andrew A.. Drugs of Abuse and Novel Psychoactive Substances at Outdoor Music Festivals in Colorado. Substance Use and Misuse 2018; 53 (7):1203-1211. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2017.1400067
Franco R., Vargas M. R.. Redox Biology in Neurological Function, Dysfunction, and Aging. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 2018; 28 (18):1583-1586. doi: 10.1089/ars.2018.7509
Freischlag K., Ezekian B., Schroder P., Everitt J., Yoon J., Swiderska-Syn M., Parker W., Diehl A., Kwun J., Knechtle S.. Long-Term HIF-1 alpha Stabilization is Associated with Fibrosis in Rat Lung Allografts. American Journal of Transplantation 2018; 18 ():490-491.
Galligan Thomas M., Schwacke Lori H., Houser Dorian S., Wells Randall S., Rowles Teri, Boggs Ashley S. P.. Characterization of circulating steroid hormone profiles in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). General and Comparative Endocrinology 2018; 263 ():80-91. doi: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2018.04.003
Galvin J. W., Eichinger J. K., Cotter E. J., Greenhouse A. R., Parada S. A., Waterman B. R.. Trends in surgical management of anterior shoulder instability: Increased utilization of bone augmentation techniques. Military Medicine 2018; 183 (5-6):e201-e206. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usx077
Gilbert S. M., Nemeth L., Amella E., Edlund B., Burggraf V.. Adult Children and the Transition of Aging Parents. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 2018; 39 (5):374-381. doi: 10.1080/01612840.2018.1434842
Grauzam S., Brock A. M., Holmes C. O., Tiedeken J. A., Boniface S. G., Pierson B. N., Patterson D. G., Coaxum S. D., Neskey D. M., Rosenzweig S. A.. NEDD9 stimulated MMP9 secretion is required for invadopodia formation in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oncotarget 2018; 9 (39):25503-25516. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.25347
Gray Kevin M., Squeglia Lindsay M.. Research Review: What have we learned about adolescent substance use?. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2018; 59 (6):618-627. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.12783
Gutierrez O. I. B., Bekkali N. L. H., Raijman I., Sturgess R., Sejpal D. V., Aridi H. D., Sherman S., Shah R. J., Kwon R. S., Buxbaum J. L., Zulli C., Wassef W., Adler D. G., Kushnir V., Wang A. Y., Krishnan K., Kaul V., Tzimas D., DiMaio C. J., Ho S., Petersen B., Moon J. H., Elmunzer B. J., Webster G. J. M., Chen Y. I., Dwyer L. K., Inamdar S., Patrick V. B., Attwell A., Hosmer A., Ko C., Maurano A., Sarkar A., Taylor L. J., Gregory M. H., Strand D. S., Raza A., Kothari S., Harris J. P., Kumta N. A., Manvar A., Topazian M. D., Lee Y. N., Spiceland C. M., Trindade A. J., Bukhari M. A., Sanaei O., Ngamruengphong S., Khashab M. A.. Efficacy and Safety of Digital Single-Operator Cholangioscopy for Difficult Biliary Stones. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2018; 16 (6):918-+. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2017.10.017
Gylten L., Mardis C., Taber D., Meadows H., Perez C., Elmaasarani Z., Fleming J., Patel N., Baliga P., Rao V., Rohan V., Pilch N.. Does One Size Fit All? Implementing a Protocolized Ambulatory Tacrolimus Dosing Strategy in a Predominantly African American Renal Transplant Population. American Journal of Transplantation 2018; 18 ():794-795.
Hardcopf J., Meadows H., Pilch N., Perez C., Patel N., Fleming J., Corbo H., Harrison T., O'Brien B., Dubay D., Baliga P., Taber D.. The Impact of Anticoagulation Therapy Modifications during the Index Hospitalization on Clinical Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Recipients. American Journal of Transplantation 2018; 18 ():548-549.
Hardcopf J., Meadows H., Pilch N., Perez C., Patel N., Fleming J., Corbo H., Harrison T., O'Brien B., Dubay D., Taber D.. The Price of Diabetes Medication Management in Kidney Transplantation: Similar Rates of Readmissions, but More Healthcare Utilization. American Journal of Transplantation 2018; 18 ():553-554.
Harmsen Irene E., Rowland Nathan C., Wennberg Richard A., Lozano Andres M.. Characterizing the effects of deep brain stimulation with magnetoencephalography: A review. Brain stimulation 2018; 11 (3):481-491. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2017.12.016
Harrison T., Perez C., Patel N., Meadows H., Fleming J., Pilch N., O'Brien B., Corbo H., Hardcopf J., Baliga P., DuBay D., Taber D.. Assessment and Validation of Potential Predictors of Non-Adherence in Contemporary Kidney Transplant Recipients. American Journal of Transplantation 2018; 18 ():296-296.
Heilman R., Friedewald J., Kurian K., Whisemant T., Poggio E., Marsh C., Baliga P., Bridges N., Odim J., Brown M., Ikle D., Armstrong B., Zhao L., Salomon D., Abecassis M.. Sub-Clinical Acute Rejection (subAR) Detected by Both Surveillance Biopsy (SBx) and a Peripheral Blood Molecular Biomarker Correlates with De Novo Donor Specific Antibody (dnDSA) Following Kidney Transplant (KT). American Journal of Transplantation 2018; 18 ():775-776.
Heinsbroek J. A., Furbish A. B., Peters J.. A single, extinction-based treatment with a kappa opioid receptor agonist elicits a long-term reduction in cocaine relapse. Neuropsychopharmacology 2018; 43 (7):1492-1497. doi: 10.1038/s41386-017-0006-4
Hellmann M. D., Nathanson T., Rizvi H., Creelan B. C., Sanchez-Vega F., Ahuja A., Ni A., Novik J. B., Mangarin L. M. B., Abu-Akeel M., Liu C., Sauter J. L., Rekhtman N., Chang E., Callahan M. K., Chaft J. E., Voss M. H., Tenet M., Li X. M., Covello K., Renninger A., Vitazka P., Geese W. J., Borghaei H., Rudin C. M., Antonia S. J., Swanton C., Hammerbacher J., Merghoub T., McGranahan N., Snyder A., Wolchok J. D.. Genomic Features of Response to Combination Immunotherapy in Patients with Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Cancer Cell 2018; 33 (5):843-852.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2018.03.018
Helsel B. C., Williams J. E., Lawson K., Liang J., Markowitz J.. Telemedicine and Mobile Health Technology Are Effective in the Management of Digestive Diseases: A Systematic Review. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2018; 63 (6):1392-1408. doi: 10.1007/s10620-018-5054-z
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